How Do I Include Personal Pronouns on My Résumé and/or LinkedIn Profile?

You may have noticed pronouns (he/him/his, she/her/hers, they/them/theirs, ze/hir/zir) being included on social media profiles, email signatures, and in the job search process in general. Including pronouns can prevent accidental misgendering, helping you avoid having to correct a hiring manager or recruiter using incorrect pronouns.

The decision to include — or exclude — pronouns from your career documents is a personal choice.

If you do want to include your pronouns on your career documents, there are a couple of ways to do so.

  • On the résumé, add your pronouns in parentheses next to your name, or under your name. You can also choose to put your pronouns in a different color text to make them stand out.

  • On your cover letter, you can include your preferred pronouns under your signature at the bottom of the page. Or you could add them in parentheses next to — or underneath — your name at the top of the cover letter.

  • When sending an email to a hiring manager or recruiter, you can include your pronouns in your email signature.

  • On job applications, there may be a place to select your gender and/or pronouns.

  • On LinkedIn, you can add your pronouns to the “Last Name” field (so they appear after your name), or LinkedIn has now added a “Pronouns” drop-down to select your pronouns (or input custom pronouns).